Uw winkelmandje is momenteel leeg
There is so much life Underneath our feet
Not far below the Soil we find an Spinning Ancient network giving and receiving Nutrients..
Giving and taking lives..
Decomposing dead material into matter..
Producing Mysterious Flowering Bodies, created by Mycelia in all forms and colours ..
Building relational communities and so much more..
.Since we as humans exist, our Ancestors foraged Mushrooms for various purposes.
For Food, Medicine, in Ceremony, for Mind Expending, for making Fire, for crafting Leather and for Wound Healing..
In Modern time, many studies shows how mushrooms can be of help by treating Degenerative diseases
Cleaning up Oil
Or stitching a whole ecosystem together
.Maybe you feel the call to step into the mysterious world under your feet, and wanna feel the mycelium network guiding you to unknown places..
Inhaling Spores of Ancient Wisdom from these wonderful Edible, Medicinal & Poisonous Beings..
Gathering Ethically diverse Fungi for Food and Medicine..
Telling stories from the past, present and future..
Having a delicious Wild Lunch together In the woods..
And feeling the inner and outer spaces from your own Fruiting Body of the Earth..
.I will give a Mushroom Workshop on the 8th and 9th of October at the Utrechtse Heuvelrug (location will be known by that time)
Start at 11:00 till about 17:00 o'clock, plus lunch, drinks are not included..
55€ per person, costs for Childeren are on donation
.The need for a deeper connection with the wisdom of plant medicine is getting larger, the ancient folktales are rising, and the wild Witch resurrect powerfully from the smoke of fiercely fires.
This training is gonna give you as a human a deeper connection and insights with the world of plants, trees, mushrooms, seaweeds, the seasonal cycle and their communications, as a lifetime experiance.
.I wil teach you the basics of medicinal plants, how to work with them during the seasons, how to harvest, how to process & how to store. Alongside folklore tales will be told and (Northern European) Shamanic rituals will be given.
.The training is very practical, it's for beginners and advanced. No certificate will be given just a lifetime experiance. Classes on Saturday and maybe Wednesday by more interests.
.Dates and ClassMaterial:
¤ 13 or 17 March: Eostre introduction, plant world, ally and communication, wildcraft steps, early spring detox
¤ 10 or 14 April: FlowerFolk, Medicinal flowers, basic fermentation, inside and outside landscape
¤ 8 or 12 mei: Belteen blooming, tree folklore, harvest, processing, restoring & techniques (water, oil & alcohol)
¤ 29 of May: Goddess of the Sea, excursion to the Oosterschelde, edible and medicinal seaweeds, water transcendental travel.
¤ 28 Aug. Or 1 Sep: Lammas abundance, herbs for the skin (first aid and cosmetic) making Balm, harvest seeds and berries, heathen hedge ritual.
¤ 23 or 27 Oct: Sauwin, Mushrooms, how to recognise them, edible, poison and medicinal, the underworld, inward
¤ 27 Nov. Or 1st Dec: winter plants, strengthening your immuunsysteem, power of the dark feminine, final ritual
Het verlangen naar verbinding met de wijze planten medicijnen word steeds groter, de oer oude volks verhalen komen eindelijk weer tevoorschijn en de wilde Heks word krachtig herboren uit de rook van het woeste vuur.
Deze training geeft je als mens een diepe verbinding en inzicht met de wereld der planten, bomen, paddestoelen, zeewieren, de seizoenen en hun communicatie, die van levenslange duur ervaren mag worden.
.Ik ga je de basis principes leren over medicinale planten, hoe je ze in elk seizoen kan inzetten, hoe te oogsten, te verwerken & te bewaren. Hoe je intuïtief in contact kunt komen met hun medicijn. Daarnaast deel ik een stukje folklore met jullie en (Noord Europese) sjamanistische rituelen.
.Deze training is erg praktisch en geschikt voor beginners maar ook voor de gevorderden onder ons. Je krijgt geen certificaat wel een levenslange ervaring.
De dagen vallen op de zaterdag en misschien woensdag bij meerdere aanmeldingen
.Datums en lesstof:
¤ 13 of 17 maart: Eostre Introductie, kennismaking plantenwereld, bondgenoot en communicatie, wildpluk technieken, voorjaar vasten.
¤ 10 of 14 april: BloemenVolk: Heilzame bloemen herkennen, basis principe fermenteren, voeling met je innerlijke en uiterlijke landschap
¤ 8 of 12 mei: Belteen: Volle lente bloei, Bomen Folklore, oogsten, verwerken, bewaren & diverse technieken (water, olie & alcohol)
¤ 29 mei (samen): Zee Godin, Korte excursie naar Oosterschelde, eetbare en medicinale zeewieren, water trance reis
¤ 28 aug. of 1 sep: Lammas overvloed, kruiden voor de huid (EHBO en cosmetisch) zalven maken, zaden en bessen, heidense heggen ritueel
¤ 23 of 27 okt: Sauwin, Paddestoelen herkennen, eetbare, giftige en medicinale, de onderwereld, terug naar jezelf
¤ 27 nov of 1 dec: winter planten, immuunsysteem versterken, kracht van de donkere vrouw, afsluiting
© Silna_Herba with wild love
from 2017 - 2023
Les Plans Dessous 174, 2534 Les Pres d'Orvin, Switserland